The Playground
Welcome to The Playground!
New Plays speak to us, speak for us and inspire us to speak for ourselves.
Our Program for the Development of Original Work
We are seeking innovative, incendiary works to develop to their fullest potential. We aim to expose both established and emerging playwrights to a broad audience and to bring exciting, quality new work to the stage. Once a script is chosen, the playwright is assigned a “Play Group”: a producer and a team of director, actors, and sometimes dramaturg. After a specified workshop rehearsal process, each selected work will be produced as a public staged reading. The event will be followed by a post-show moderated discussion in which the audience can contribute to the process. Scripts selected for development in a workshop may be considered for future full production.
Scripts can be submitted (as PDF or Microsoft Word compatible documents) to, please include "Playground Submission" in the subject line of the email.

This program is dedicated to the memory of friend and emerging playwright, Tadd Gero, 1987-2009.
How do I submit my script?
The submission details are directly above the FAQ, got a little overeager, didn't you?
Can I submit it partly complete and let you guys finish it?
We can only consider scripts that have a completed full draft.
What’s a dramaturg?
They wear many hats, from researcher, to analyst, to… Stealing a little bit, the definition we like for our Playground is, “Information designer, literary director.”
Thanks. However, perhaps the question you’re really asking is, “Why a dramaturg?”
Okay, why a dramaturg?
To quote another guy, Brian Quirt, LMDA President, “The dramaturg can ask the questions that no one else has asked because they are immersed in the process in a very particular way… Dramaturgs are different [from other collaborators] in that their responsibility isn’t to a single aspect of the creation…The dramaturg is there to respond to the ideas that are being expressed and to help find the next step in the process.” (Opera America, spring 2008)
Do I have to be a New Yorker to submit it to the Playground?
No, in fact we’ve considered scripts from as far away as London and Dublin. The logistics of the workshop become more difficult but we’re up for a challenge.
Do I get paid?
We can't guarantee stipends, but we always strive to pay our artists on every project! We had a money tree, but when we put in the sandbox and jungle gyms for the Playground the tree died. Now all the money goes into producing more Playgrounds - we do always pay our collaborators for full productions.
I submitted once already and you didn’t pick my perfect and brilliant script. Can you tell me why you didn’t select it?
Honestly it could be any number of reasons: The script didn’t speak to us, it wasn’t right for our needs at this time, we hate leprechauns… it doesn't mean that your script is bad.
Can you give my script feedback?
No. Here’s the thing: Even though we employ a team of geniuses for script reading, we may just not connect with your script and end up steering it awry. Maybe we just don’t get it. The only feedback we’ll give is to find someone you trust and respect and work directly with them, or take a class, just keep plugging away at it, or find a company with a team of geniuses more genius-ee than our team of geniuses and get it produced. In the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, “Make it so”.
Would it be good for me to submit it again?
Is it significantly different now?
No. I may fix the title though.
Then it’s probably not going to help. We read all scripts and keep all scripts on file. If you have made significant changes, or write another script, we’d be happy to look at those.
My script is supposed to be done by a company of mimes. Can I still submit it?
Well, sure. Mimes can be awesome. Beckett wrote plays without words, though it was closer to clown work. It may be a bit awkward as the Playground culminates in a reading, but we can be creative.
Is there any specific topic you are looking for scripts about?
No. Just write goodly.
Is there any specific community you are trying to reach?
What does “Moderated Discussion” mean?
There are useful comments and… other comments. Audience reactions, confusions, clarities, etc are useful comments that can inform and support a critical or structural analysis to shine light on opportunities for the playwright to really explore their message. Suggestions to rewrite the script as a musical or input on what color the horses would be don’t tend to be more than clever at best.
I’ve got a brilliant director in mind; can I submit her to direct the piece?
The playwright is welcome to submit names for the Director and Actors of the piece, but the ultimate decision will be made by the Executive Producer. We’ve learned that the play is best served by an in-house Dramaturg.
Her name is Julie Taymor.
If you can get Julie Taymor to direct, we’ll definitely consider her for the position.
What is the production value of the staged reading?
The intent of the Playground is to bring focus to the script. Costuming will indicate character, props and staging will be used as vitally necessary to the story. However, any expectations of live horses, wire work, or a fancy set may be best kept elsewhere.
I think my script is perfect. Can you guys just produce it?
We are always looking for that amazing script that speaks to us and has potential to reach the community for State of Play Theatre’s production arm. The Playground series is for script development via a collaborative workshop, however if we find a script submitted to the Playground that knocks us off our feet, that we want to do and feel is ready to be turned into a play you’ll definitely be hearing from us. Also, if we work a play in the Playground and we love it and want to do it you’ll definitely be hearing from us. The short answer is send us your play and we’ll see what happens.
Seriously, no live horses?
Seriously. No live horses.
FAQ text by retired company member Gregory Singleton. Edited by Adam La Faci.